Selasa, Agustus 24, 2010

must be strong

kalo ada yang menayakan mengapa??, aku hanya bilang "dya selalu ada diotakku"
jika ada yang terus menanyakana, apa alasannya??, aku hanya bilang "tak ada alasan untuk memilih seseorang." memang aku tak punya alasan yang bagus untuk di katakan.

aku tak mau berharap, tapi aku berdoa dan meminta...
" god, if there is a way to get to her show me. but if there are no bright spots for me, my news to me.   
so I understand all this.
and if that happens, I beg you give me something better.  
I'm willing to be my amnesia but please, do not remove him in the face of this earth.
I still survive because he was alive, although I can not fully possess.
I could not survive if he does not exist. I beg....I would rather see him happy than he suffered.

indeed, I was stupid!, indeed my love is blind, and I'm going to void ..."

huffgg again... must be strong

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